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  • CO2 Detector Alarm

    Carbon Dioxide CO2 Detector Alarm Deskie

    Meet our Carbon Dioxide CO2 Detector Alarm Deskie

    Our Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Detector Alarm “Deskie” is helpful for monitoring the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) level in indoor spaces, mainly in schools, offices, houses, hospitals, and aged care, among others.

    This CO2 Detector Alarm warns you of poor air quality and that ventilation is required to renew the room’s air with fresh air. Not avoiding poor air quality can be a high risk of potentially contagious viruses or bacteria, low productivity in students and employees losing attention and focus, and unexpected unsafely events.

    This Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Detector Alarm, “Deskie” was designed for air quality purposes that impact significantly to people who spend time in indoor areas or spaces for their health, productivity, and safety.

    Moreover, this Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Detector Alarm helps to remain the air quality in good condition fresh, and clean, allowing people the adequate protection of human health and well-being.